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Apple Creek Farm

Certified Organic Dozen Eggs

Certified Organic Dozen Eggs

Regular price $8.00
Regular price Sale price $8.00
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Apple Creek's adventurous hens lay beautiful and delicious eggs. Our hens live in moveable hen houses from March - November and forage for grass and bugs. In winter, they live in a cozy hoop house with daily access outdoors for fresh air and sunshine. 

Our hens are fed a certified organic grain diet and benefit from the protection of our livestock guardian dogs, Ida & Monty. The dogs ensure our hens live a stress-free life without worry caused by predators.

One dozen certified organic eggs. Order limit of 3 dozen.

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  1. CASH or CHECK: These are our favorite payments! Choose "Pay with cash or check at pickup" during checkout.
  2. Market Share CSA gift card: For details & to join, check out our CSA page.